What role does folic acid play in hair?

Folic acid, often mentioned in the context of prenatal health, is much more than just a beneficial nutrient during pregnancy. This vitamin also plays a significant role in hair health. From shine to prevention of hair loss, folic acid is an essential ally. Discover the crucial role folic acid plays in hair health, its benefits, and our advice on how to ensure adequate intake for strong, healthy hair.

What is folic acid?

Folic acid is one of the essential B vitamins, specifically vitamin B9. It is a water-soluble vitamin, which means that it dissolves in water and is regularly eliminated through the urine, requiring a daily intake to maintain adequate levels in the body.

Folic acid plays a vital role in DNA and RNA synthesis, red blood cell production and protein metabolism. It is also essential for cell division and growth.

Although the term "folic acid" is commonly used, it generally refers to the synthetic form of the vitamin, used in supplements and to fortify foods. The natural form present in food is called "folate".

What are the benefits of folic acid for hair?

Folic acid is essential for healthy hair, although it is not mentioned as frequently as vitamins such as biotin.

Hair growth is based on rapid, healthy cell division. By actively supporting this cell division process, folic acid plays a central role in promoting hair growth. Ensuring a sufficient intake of folic acid is therefore important for maintaining a harmonious and constant hair growth cycle.

Folic acid also contributes to the formation of red blood cells, which transport oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles. Good blood circulation in the scalp is essential to nourish and strengthen the follicles, thus preventing the onset of hair loss.

Studies suggest that folic acid deficiency may contribute to premature greying of the hair. Although ageing is the main factor in greying, an adequate intake of vitamins, including folic acid, could help to delay this process.

Folic acid deficiency can also lead to hair loss or hair thinning. Although hair loss can be influenced by many factors, an adequate intake of folic acid can help prevent hair loss due to a nutritional deficiency.

Finally, by promoting healthy hair growth, folic acid can help to improve its radiance and texture. Hair that is well nourished from the inside out tends to be stronger, shinier and more resistant to damage.

What are the daily requirements for folic acid?

Daily folic acid requirements may vary according to age, sex, state of health and other specific factors such as pregnancy.

Nutritional recommendations suggest a daily intake of 330 µg of folates for men and 300 µg for women.

During pregnancy, women are advised to have a daily intake of 400 µg (0.4 mg) of folates, which corresponds to 200 µg of folic acid. In accordance with official Ministry of Health guidelines, it is recommended that all women of childbearing age considering pregnancy take a folic acid supplement.

Supplementation, even with folic acid, should not be undertaken without first consulting a health professional. The doctor will be able to assess your specific needs and advise you on the appropriate dosage. Taking supplements without medical advice can lead to imbalances and possible drug interactions.

Where can I find folic acid in food?

To ensure a sufficient intake of this essential vitamin, it is a good idea to regularly eat folate-rich foods :

  • Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, chard, rocket and romaine lettuce are excellent sources of folate. 
  • Pulses, such as lentils, chickpeas and various beans, are also rich in folic acid. 
  • Among the fruit, citrus fruit such as oranges, grapefruit and mandarins are good sources, as are bananas and avocados.
  • Wholegrain cereals can contribute to folate intake, even though they generally contain less folate than green vegetables or pulses.
  • As for animal sources, liver, particularly beef liver, is rich in folates. Fish, such as tuna and salmon, also provide folates, although in smaller quantities than plants. Eggs are another source of this vitamin, as are nuts, particularly hazelnuts and almonds, and certain seeds such as sunflower seeds.

Is a course of folic acid effective for hair loss?

Hair loss can be influenced by many factors, including nutritional imbalances. Folic acid plays an important role in cell division and tissue growth, including hair. A deficiency in folic acid could therefore theoretically contribute to hair problems.

Folic acid deficiency can lead to a variety of symptoms, including hair loss, anaemia, fatigue, mouth ulcers and other problems. By correcting this deficiency, it is possible that certain symptoms, including hair loss, can be reduced or corrected.

However, although folic acid is beneficial for hair growth, it is not a universal remedy for hair loss. If hair loss is not due to folic acid deficiency, vitamin B9 supplementation may not have the desired effect on regrowth.

Good to know: over-consumption of folic acid, particularly through excessive supplementation, can lead to other health problems, such as gastrointestinal disorders, sleep disorders, skin rashes and, more rarely, more serious problems.

Carry out a hair diagnosis before any treatment

It is essential to carry out a precise diagnosis of your hair and scalp to determine the exact cause of hair loss before starting any form of supplementation.

Hair diagnosis is a crucial step in understanding the health and specific needs of your hair. Centre Clauderer, specialising in the development of natural hair loss treatments, offers an in-depth diagnosis in Paris or remotely, to identify the underlying causes of hair and scalp problems. Based on the diagnosis, Centre Clauderer will suggest a suitable treatment or haircare routine. Regular checks of the hair's vital functions are carried out to ensure results and adjust the programme if necessary.

Our solutions for hair loss

Hair loss is a common concern for many people, whether caused by genetic, hormonal, environmental or stress-related factors. There are several solutions to this problem, depending on the causes and the specific needs of each individual.

The success of a hair treatment depends on the attention paid to the hair follicles. While anti-hair loss shampoos act superficially, for a deeper impact, it's best to choose serums that penetrate the epidermis. Centre Clauderer offers Serums such as N°6R, N°7R and Activ'Croissance for Afro and mixed-race hair. 

It's essential to choose hair care products that suit your hair's nature, limit damage and nourish your hair from the inside out with adequate nutrition. A scalp massage ideally completes this routine, promoting the vitality of the hair follicle.

Folic acid plays a key role not only in our general health but also in the well-being of our hair. Its contribution to cell division, the formation of red blood cells and other vital processes makes it indispensable for maintaining strong, healthy hair. However, for effective treatment for hair loss it's crucial to understand its root cause and adopt a holistic approach that includes hair care and a balanced diet.

Jean-François Cabos

Jean-François Cabos is the creator of a unique hair care method based on the research he coordinated, which led to the publication of the book Hair, Roots of Life with Hélène Clauderer published by Robert Laffont (Collection "Réponses/ Santé").

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