How can I stop my hair from falling out?

One morning, you have the impression that there's more hair than usual on your clothes, on the brush or in the towel after shampooing. Nothing to worry about, you think: you're in good health, you take good care of yourself and your hair. You know that every time the season changes, hair loss, is a little heavier, but that's no big deal as it doesn't last long.

It's normal for hair to fall out regularly, and it grows back without any problems.

And then, little by little, you notice that your hair is falling out way too much. Your hair is falling out in fistfuls, and every brush stroke leaves you a little more distraught every day at the sight of all that hair falling out.

You can't see the end of it and, above all, you don't know what to do about all that hair loss.

First of all, it's important to understand that hair loss only becomes a cause for concern when the hair is no longer replaced in the same way. We are not all equal in this respect. It's not just a question of gender, but also of heredity (androgenetic alopecia) combined with any internal (deficiencies, stress) or external (taking certain drugs, for example) aggravating factors.

There are multiple causes of baldness and we can act on some, but unfortunately not necessarily all.

The key to an effective hair loss treatment is to stimulate the growth of new, healthy hair, allowing hair that has fallen out to be replaced by an equal number of good quality hair.

Otherwise, the more hair that falls out is replaced by hair of lesser quality (it becomes thinner and more fragile), the more the hair's vital cycle is damaged and the more hair loss increases. Eventually, the hair's capital is exhausted and there is no possibility of regrowth. Baldness sets in.

The aim of any anti-hair loss treatment is therefore to stimulate the regrowth of healthy hair and, in this way, to encourage the identical renewal of all the hair that has fallen out. 

Hair loss can be a traumatic event for women and men alike, especially if the first signs of baldness occur at a young age.

How can I stop my hair from falling out? 1

The first signs of baldness can appear as early as adolescence and can be particularly stressful for a young adult.

Symptoms of excessive hair loss - the first 3 warning signs :

  1. hair loss is greater than usual. It's never the quantity per se, but the quantity pcompared with a condition you're used to. In fact, you can lose more than 100 hairs a day without this being a cause for concern, as long as just as many grow back.
  2. the hair becomes thinner and less dense, certain areas of the scalp become more visible, and some areas are sparse (median parting and/or temples for women, gulfs and vertex for men).
  3. hair is more difficult to style and tangles easily despite a multitude of hair care products (a sign of progressive weakening)

What to do when your hair starts to fall out: our top tips for halting hair loss

  • A blood test reveals anaemia (iron reserve for example), a lack of vitamin D ? You can consider taking a supplement (ampoules of vitamin D as prescribed by your doctor), or a course of specially dosed vitamins for hair to give a little boost, often welcome at the change of season, in spring and autumn
  • Consider massaging the scalp to stimulate micro-circulation in this hyper-vascularised area, which is very prone to tension.
  • A healthy diet for healthy hair: choose foods rich in omega 3, iron, B vitamins, etc.
  • What if it's your thyroid? If, as well as falling out in droves, your hair is becoming brittle and changing texture, a malfunction in your thyroid could be the cause. thyroid This little gland with great powers!

On the other hand

  • Don't stress! Stress feeds on stress and it's a vicious circle! At certain times, we can experience severe stress or even an emotional shock. Does your hair fall out a few months after suffering such a shock? This could be an area that should not be overlooked, because if hair loss does not slow down on its own, irreversible weakening of the hair can set in.
  • Forget anti-hair loss shampoos: a shampoo does not - unfortunately - penetrate all the way to the hair follicle. So don't expect your hair to grow with a simple shampoo. A shampoo will wash your hair, nothing more, nothing less. Good to know: Afro, frizzy or mixed-race hair is often particularly dry: rather than using products that are too aggressive, opt for a cleansing cream more moisturising, to gently nourish the hair fibre.
  • Still on the subject of shampooing: for fear of seeing too much hair fall out during washing, we sometimes prefer to space out our shampoos. This is a false good idea. In fact, dead hair (in the telogen phase) will simply accumulate on the scalp and fall out 'en masse' the next time you shampoo.
  • "Too much care kills the care", in other words, it's better to have few but good quality products, applied in the right dose at the right time. Excessively heavy, unsuitable treatments risk weakening the keratin and weighing down the hair, causing it to fall out prematurely. In short, the best is the enemy of the good!

And if that's not enough?

If hair loss persists in spite of everything, it is essential to look for deeper causes.

At Centre Clauderer, combating alopecia (hair loss) has been our core business for over 50 years. We can tell you whether your hair loss is temporary and of no great consequence, or whether it's time to take action to stop the hair loss that's worrying you.

Have your hair diagnosis to identify the precise causes of excessive hair loss; once the diagnosis has been carried out, your Clauderer Specialist will explain the right steps, the right protocol and, above all, the right anti-hair loss products to help you regain beautiful hair and look after it for a long time to come.

Clauderer haircare products are made from natural ingredients: plant oils, vitamins and essential oils for safe treatments with no side effects.

What's more, our haircare products are made in France, so they are perfectly traceable.

In the case of androgenetic alopecia, which can affect women as well as men to varying degrees, we can help you preserve your hair capital.

An in-depth treatment, adapted to your case, then becomes essential to slow down hair loss and, above all, stimulate the functioning of the hair follicles so that they produce stronger hair each time. Thus restored, the normal life cycle of hair resumes and the prospect of baldness recedes.

Questions :

My hair is falling out a lot: our quick tips

  • I stop stressing unless the fall takes longer than 3 to 4 months.
  • I try to eat a healthy diet and I prefer omega 3 and iron-rich foods.
  • I check for any deficiencies and take a course of vitamins if necessary
  • I massage my scalp to stimulate the hair follicles
  • I don't wait to wash my hair: the longer I wait, the more hair that's ready to fall out will accumulate on my scalp, so it'll look like it's falling out even more!

Why does my hair fall out too much?

There are many causes of serious hair loss, and they can be as temporary as seasonal hair loss, for example (in this case, a course of vitamins to boost the body is a good idea; in this case, opt for food supplements containing high doses of iron and B vitamins, which are essential for healthy hair) as they can be more permanent, in which case you should not hesitate to consult a hair specialist. On the other hand, long-term hair loss (more than 3-4 months) and thinning hair are signs that the hair is not doing well and that, without help, it will grow back weaker and weaker. Eventually, if nothing is done about it, baldness will set in irretrievably.

Other reasons for excessive hair loss: after pregnancy or at the menopause - 2 sources of major hormonal upheaval in women - poorly treated or untreated thyroid imbalance, emotional shock, heredity...

Often, several factors can combine to cause progressive hair loss: our Specialists are here to help!

Jean-François Cabos

Jean-François Cabos is the creator of a unique hair care method based on the research he coordinated, which led to the publication of the book Hair, Roots of Life with Hélène Clauderer published by Robert Laffont (Collection "Réponses/ Santé").

1 Comment
  • Catherine Reiser says:

    Thank you for your message. Hélène Laffont has now put together a new team who will take good care of you, so you can rest assured! Don't hesitate to call us to make an appointment. We look forward to seeing you again. The Clauderer team 0142612801

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