What can be done about hair loss?

Why do I lose a lot of hair?

In the morning, do you notice more hair than usual on your pillow, more hair on your hairbrush when you comb your hair or more hair in the shower or bath?

In short, you're losing more hair than usual.

This "abnormal" hair loss can be of 2 completely different types:

  1. Or the hair that falls out is in the telogen phase, i.e. at the end of its life. This is known as "telogen effluvium", "effluvium" meaning "exit" in Latin.
  2. Or the hair that is falling out is actually in a growth phase. They should not be falling out. This is known as "anagen effluvium".

Let's take a closer look at these 2 forms of hair loss.

  1. Hair that falls out is at the end of its life
  • In practical terms, dead hair remains on the scalp for 2 to 3 months, sometimes longer, before falling out.
  • In the case of abnormally abundant hair loss at the end of life, this indicates that the hair that should have fallen out over a period of 2 or 3 months is falling out over a shorter period, hence the impression that we are losing more hair than usual.
  • In the vast majority of cases, this excessive hair loss stops on its own, as quickly as it appeared.
  • The most frequently identified causes of this massive loss of hair at the end of life are :
    • Seasonal fall in spring andautumn,
    • Giving birth,
    • Significant weight loss (over 10kg),
    • Many stress (moving house, divorce, job loss, etc.),
    • A high fever,
    • Surgery under general anaesthetic,
    • More rarely, stopping or changing the contraceptive pill.

Please note :

  • Most of the time, this hair loss is temporary, stopping after 4 or 5 months and returning to a normal appearance after 6 to 9 months.
  • In the case of people undergoing major long-term stress (illness of a close relative, difficulties at work, etc.), this type of hair loss can last longer and even become established, eventually affecting hair in the growth phase as well.
  1. Hair that falls out is in a growth phase

This type of hair loss is much more problematic: it no longer involves hair that has already died and should normally have fallen out in the following weeks, but hair that is in the middle of a growth phase.

In this case, there is a factor that simply prevents the hair from continuing to grow normally.

Here, the main causes are:

  • Hereditary hair loss (androgenetic alopecia), which accounts for the overwhelming majority of cases of hair loss in the growth phase,
  • Taking certain medicines,
  • Hairstyles that pull excessively on the hair (braids, plaits, pigtails...), known as "bangs", are not recommended. traction alopecia ",
  • Regular use of aggressive hair care products (straightening, etc.),
  • And pulling out one's hair (trichotillomania).

If the cause is external to the functioning of the hair cycle (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hairstyles, use of aggressive products, etc.), the hair will grow back once these aggressions have stopped.

On the other hand, the end of the fall and the hair regrowth will not occur on its own if the cause is hereditary (androgenetic alopecia). Androgen-dependent alopecia results from a shortening of the anagen phase of the hair life cycle and a miniaturisation of the hair follicles. By penetrating the hair follicles, DHT (dihydrotestosterone) stimulates the production of certain proteins which in turn inhibit hair growth.

The symptoms of hair loss associated with a hereditary cause are fairly simple to identify:

  • Thinning hair,
  • Hair more difficult to style,
  • In the women, the hair on the top of the head becomes thinner (the median parting widens),
  • In the men, the gulfs and vertex ("tonsure") are receding.

When these symptoms appear, it is important to seek medical advice as soon as possible so that early treatment can be put in place to prevent further hair loss.

When should you worry about hair loss?

At Clauderer, we believe that there is no need to worry as long as the hair loss lasts less than 4 months. It generally involves the premature loss of hair that has already died and the hair cycle is not affected.

After 4 months of excessive hair loss, we strongly advise you to seek medical advice.

This consultation will have 2 objectives:

  • Identify the cause of hair loss,
  • Implement a strategy aimed at halting abnormal hair loss and boosting the regrowth of young hair.

How can I stop hair loss quickly?

Seeing your hair fall out in abundance is usually a major source of stress.

We therefore recommend starting with very simple steps to eliminate all sources of aggression to the hair and scalp:

  • Avoid or space out aggressive hair treatments (colouring, dyeing, straightening...) as much as possible,
  • Avoid the daily use of heated styling tools,
  • Avoid over-tightening hairstyles such as ponytails, chignons, pigtails or braids,
  • And finally... taking care of your scalp by washing it regularly with extremely gentle products. Remember that any chronic inflammation of the scalp inevitably leads to disruption of the hair's life cycle.

Sometimes, changing these hair habits is not enough to stop hair loss. The situation then becomes more complex to restore and recourse to a hair specialist becomes necessary to identify the cause of this persistent hair loss.

There are many causes of hair loss, some of which can be combined. Here are some of the most common:

  • Heredity,
  • Medicines such as chemotherapy, but not only,
  • Fungal infections,
  • Deficiencies (vitamin D or iron in particular),
  • Thyroid disorders,
  • Menstrual cycle disorders.

Of course, each cause identified will call for an appropriate response.

The question is: Can hair loss always be reversed?

The answer depends on the cause of the hair loss. Sometimes the answer is "no", but most often "yes":

  • "No, hair loss cannot be reversed when the alopecia is of the scarring type.
  • Yes "When hair loss is caused by stress, medical treatment or any external agent affecting the hair cycle (deficiencies, hairstyles, etc.).
    In these cases, as soon as the triggering factor disappears, the hair recovers between 4 months and 1 year after the disappearance of the triggering factor.
  • Yes if..." when hair loss is hereditary (androgenetic alopecia). Nothing can stop the influence of heredity. However, with appropriate treatment, it is possible to implement a strategy aimed simultaneously at :
  1. Protect hair from the negative influence of male hormones,
  2. Boost hair growth to ensure that it runs smoothly.

This is what we do every day at Clauderer with our natural treatments, without addiction or side effects.

How can you stop women losing their hair?

How does female pattern baldness differ from male pattern baldness?

Androgenetic alopecia is by far the most common form of hair loss in both men and women.

In men, hair loss follows a well-defined progressive pattern: it generally begins above the temples and gradually changes the hairline at the top of the forehead, which takes on an "M" shape (the gulfs become increasingly enlarged). The hair becomes thinner at the top of the skull and on the vertex;

In women, the pattern is different: the hair thins all over the head, sometimes even at the nape of the neck, but the hairline does not recede. It is also extremely rare for women to go completely bald.

The first signs in women are the appearance of areas with visibly thinner or missing hair, including around the skull. In these affected areas, the skin of the skull becomes visible through the hair.  

As a general rule, the methods used to slow down hair loss are the same for men and women.

Of course, there are factors specific to women, such as :

  • Giving birth,
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome,
  • The menopause,
  • Contraceptive pills

In order to curb hair loss in women, the first step is to limit attacks on the hair and scalp as much as possible (see above) and, if hair loss persists, consult a specialist to look for deeper causes.

What's the best hair loss remedy?

First of all, there is no "miracle" treatment for hair loss. Those who claim otherwise are charlatans.

The most commonly prescribed drug is minoxidil. It is this molecule that produces the best effects (our article on minoxidil).

At Clauderer, we have developed solutions that have proven their effectiveness in clinical trials. in vitro carried out at the Besançon Faculty of Medicine under the responsibility of Professor Herbein, University Professor, Hospital Doctor and Scientific Expert.
Professor Herbein explains:
"Two aspects were studied: the stimulating action on the growth of keratinocytes (hair-making cells) and the inhibiting action on the hormone responsible for alopecia".
The conclusions of this clinical study on the effectiveness of Clauderer Serums against hair loss are exceptional:

  • Hair cell growth rate is more than doubled with Clauderer Serums ",
  • Hair growth is not disrupted by the action of the hormone responsible for hair loss (DHT) when Clauderer Serums are applied. ",
  • The DHT-inhibiting effect of Clauderer Serums is visible as early as 4 hours after treatment and increases with each application ".

The efficacy of Clauderer Serums has also been compared in vivo to that of Minoxidil at 5% by the same research team.

Here too, the results are clear: "with Clauderer Serums, hair is protected for longer than with Minoxidil at 5% and grows much faster":

  • Minoxidil at 5% slightly slows down the harmful influence of male hormones on hair growth (15%),
  • Clauderer Serums not only curb this harmful influence, but also strongly stimulate hair growth (almost tripling) despite the influence of male hormones.
Jean-François Cabos

Jean-François Cabos is the creator of a unique hair care method based on the research he coordinated, which led to the publication of the book Hair, Roots of Life with Hélène Clauderer published by Robert Laffont (Collection "Réponses/ Santé").

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