8 tips for healthy hair

Just like the skin, hair reflects our general state of health and the care we give it. Shiny, supple, strong hair is what many people want, but how do we achieve it? External aggressions, daily habits and even our diet can all have an influence on the health of our hair. To help you navigate your way through this hair quest, here are our 8 tips for healthy hair.

1. Understand your hair type

Understanding your hair type is the first essential step in giving it the right care. Hair can be classified into several categories : straight, wavy, curly or frizzy. Each of these types has its own specific characteristics and needs. What's more, porosity, density and texture are other factors to take into account. Once you've identified your hair type, you can choose the products and routines best suited to it, ensuring your hair stays healthy and beautiful.

2. Adopt a healthy diet

Adopt healthy eating is essential not only for the general vitality of your body, but also for the health of your hair. Hair, like other parts of the body, draws its strength from the nutrients we consume. 

This means that an adequate intake of proteins, which are the main constituents of hair, is essential. Protein sources such as meat, fish, pulses and nuts help to strengthen hair structure. 

Iron is also a crucial element to prevent hair loss. It is found in foods such as spinach, lentils, sesame seeds and red meat. 

Vitamins also play a key role. For example, vitamin E promotes blood circulation in the scalp, while vitamin A helps with sebum production, keeping the scalp moisturised and hair healthy. 

A balanced and varied diet is therefore the foundation of shiny, strong, vibrant hair.

3. Monitor the health of your scalp

The scalp is the foundation on which the beauty and health of your hair rests. A healthy scalp promotes vigorous hair growth and prevents many problems. 

Itching, redness, irritation or the presence of dandruff can be a sign of an unbalanced or distressed scalp. These symptoms can be caused by a variety of factors, such as the use of unsuitable hair products, hormonal imbalances, stress or environmental factors.

4. Spacing out washes

Spacing out wash cycles is a common recommendation to maintain healthy hair and scalp.

Washing your hair too frequently can remove the natural oils produced by the scalp. These oils, mainly sebum, are essential for moisturising and protecting the hair fibre.

Excessive washing exposes the hair to the risk of drying out, leaving it brittle and dull. For those who colour their hair, spacing out the washes can help maintain the colour for longer, as each wash can gradually fade the tint.

If you're used to washing your hair every day, try gradually spacing out the washes. Start by washing every other day, then every three days, and adjust according to your hair's needs.

5. Limiting heat

Excessive heat, whether from hairdryers, straightening irons, curling irons or other heated tools, can have harmful effects on the health of your hair.

When used frequently, these appliances remove essential moisture from the hair, leaving it dehydrated, dry and dull. This loss of moisture also weakens the hair shaft, making it more susceptible to breakage. 

What's more, intense heat can damage keratin, a crucial protein that gives hair its strength and structure. When keratin is damaged, hair becomes less elastic and more fragile. 

So, while these tools offer fast, effective styling, regular use without care can compromise the vitality and shine of your hair over the long term.

6. Massage your scalp

Massaging the scalp is a simple but extremely beneficial practice. As well as providing a feeling of relaxation, this massage has a number of benefits for the health of the hair and scalp.

When you massage your scalp, you stimulate blood circulation in this area. Better circulation means more oxygen and nutrients are transported to the hair follicles, which can encourage hair growth. This stimulation can also strengthen hair roots, making them less likely to fall out.

7. Avoid hairstyles that are too tight

Hairstyles such as ponytails, braids, chignons and other styles that exert a powerful constant traction on the roots can have undesirable effects.

Excessive tension on the scalp can lead to a condition called "traction alopecia". Traction alopecia is characterised by hair loss caused by the force exerted on the hair when it is pulled too tightly. Over time, it can damage the hair follicles and, in serious cases, this hair loss can become permanent.

Also, constant pulling can cause hair to break at mid-length, giving it an irregular appearance and making it more fragile.

To avoid these problems, it's a good idea to vary your hairstyles and give your hair and scalp a rest. If you opt for braids or other hairstyles that require a certain amount of tension, make sure they are not too tight.

8. Perform a hair diagnosis

How do we know if our hair is healthy? Carrying out a hair diagnosis is ideal for understanding the state of health of your hair and scalp, in order to adopt an appropriate hair care routine. A proper diagnosis will determine the type of hair (dry, oily, combination, etc.), its texture (fine, thick, curly, straight, etc.) and any underlying problems such as hair loss, dandruff or scalp irritation.

Centre Clauderer specialises in diagnosis and the treatment of hair problems. Whether in Paris or remotely, Centre Clauderer's experts carry out a meticulous analysis of your hair roots and keratin in order to detect any potential problems and propose appropriate solutions on a case-by-case basis. 

Healthy hair is within everyone's reach, as long as you follow the right care and routine. It's a delicate balance between good practices, judicious food choices and the use of quality care products.

Whether you're looking to invigorate dull hair, care for oily hair or stimulate growth, these recommendations are a great starting point for healthier, more beautiful hair.

Jean-François Cabos

Jean-François Cabos is the creator of a unique hair care method based on the research he coordinated, which led to the publication of the book Hair, Roots of Life with Hélène Clauderer published by Robert Laffont (Collection "Réponses/ Santé").

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