Hair loss and puberty


  • Hair changes a lot during adolescence, with the development of sex hormones.
  • Hair often becomes greasier, less manageable and sometimes dandruff.
  • More seriously for some, the density of the hair even starts to decrease, a hair loss starting insidiously.
  • This hair loss, however slight at first, is not to be taken lightly, as it can only get worse.
  • We recommend that you have a thorough hair diagnosis carried out at the first signs of hair loss so that you can find the right treatment to stabilise it.


Hair changes from puberty onwards because it will now live and develop under the dependence of male sex hormones (androgens) and female hormones (oestrogens and progesterone). It is the massive influx of these hormones that changes the game.


Oestrogen & Progesterone = 95%Oestrogen & Progesterone = 5%
Androgens = 5%Androgens = 95%


In fact, for both sexes, androgens are responsible for all hair disorders, even in girls who produce so few of them. But in the case of girls, their female hormones act in antagonism to those of androgens and constantly counterbalance the damage caused by androgens. This is why female hair disorders are often less pronounced and easier to treat.

Note: androgens are also thought to be responsible for changes in hair appearance: keratin is stiffer (or curlier) than in childhood, and blondes are darker in colour.


Hair becomes greasier because a whole chain of hormonal reactions is set in motion: the new influx of androgens greatly increases the size of the sebaceous glands, which increase their production of sebum, which invades the scalp and the hair.


These are small glands located just under the skin and attached to each hair follicle (the casing housing the root of the hair). For both girls and boys, they are entirely controlled by androgens from adolescence onwards. Their secretion, a greasy substance called sebum, is supposed to be poured onto the skin to lubricate and protect our epidermis, hair system and hair. But, as it happens, the overproduction of sebum during adolescence results in too much sebum, which begins to clump together as greasy impurities in the hair follicle, where it can choke the roots.

The sebum then evaporates to the surface, making the hair too greasy and often accompanied by an unpleasant smell. This smell is due to the fats in the sebum, which produce malodorous substances when they oxidise in contact with the air. To get rid of it, don't be fooled by the perfumes, even natural ones, advertised on shampoo labels. They will only have a fleeting, superficial effect. You need to go deeper, under the skin, with a purifying lotion that penetrates deep enough (Clauderer Milk) to thoroughly cleanse the greasy impurities that stagnate inside the hair follicle, before the sebum oxidises in the open air.


And for your information, it's also because of the sebaceous glands, attached to each hair, that the phenomenon of teenage acne is triggered. Here, excess sebum obstructs its way out to the skin and develops bacteria that colonise the fat and cause the inflammation that leads to pimples and blackheads on the face and seborrhoeic dermatitis on the scalp.


They are caused by a fungus, pityriasis, which can develop on the scalp from puberty onwards. It feeds on fatty acids, which it naturally seeks out in the sebum, this mushroom finds the scalps of teenagers an ideal breeding ground in which to proliferate. This is why dandruff and itching which often accompany them, are another frequent feature of puberty.



If your hair is falling out too much, the first thing to do is find out how your hair loss. Is it strong or weak? Does it spread over the whole head? Or is it more localised to specific areas of the scalp: the middle part, the front or sides? Is your hair thinning? Has your hair changed texture? This information, along with many others (such as the regularity and intensity of your periods, your hereditary background, the composition of your pill (if you're on contraceptives), etc.), is essential for determining the type of adolescent hair loss you have and treating it accordingly.


If your hair starts to thin or thin out, even slightly, you can be pretty sure that this is the very beginning of alopecia or hair loss. This condition should not be passively contemplated, as it will not stop spontaneously. In other words, if you don't get into the habit of treating your hair regularly now, there's a good chance you'll find yourself with a significant percentage of hair loss as an adult. The earliness of your symptoms is a definite factor in their severity. But it's not the only one. Other factors come into play, such as environmental factors, your family history, your lifestyle and whether or not you choose the right anti-hair loss treatment to neutralise the effects of hair loss. baldness incipient...


Girls and boys should also beware of anti-acne treatment with isotretinoin (retinoid). Marketed under the name Roaccutane® or its generics (Curacné GÉ, Procuta GÉ and Contracné GÉ), this treatment works by reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands. It therefore makes hair less greasy, but it can also make it too dry and cause scalp irritation. Prolonged use can even affect normal hair renewal and lead to diffuse (but reversible) hair loss. Local care is therefore essential throughout the treatment period to prevent dryness, irritation and itching of the scalp and to allow your hair to recreate an environment that is favourable to its development.


Whether you're a girl or a boy, we recommend that you start by having a hair diagnosis carried out by calling us, including a root analysis. This examination will provide a complete check-up of your hair situation and help you select the anti-hair loss treatment you need.

Jean-François Cabos

Jean-François Cabos is the creator of a unique hair care method based on the research he coordinated, which led to the publication of the book Hair, Roots of Life with Hélène Clauderer published by Robert Laffont (Collection "Réponses/ Santé").

  • Hello, my 18-year-old is starting to go bald. I'd like to know the best steps to take,
    Can you tell me who I should consult first?
    Can you point me in the right direction?
    ( contact details ... ) I live in the south west of France,
    Thank youiiiii for answering me, it's something we're very worried about ....

    • Catherine Reiser says:

      Thank you for your message. Following a diagnosis by correspondence (by e-mail, there's no need to come in person), our Hair Specialists will be able to look after your son and offer him the treatment that will stop his baldness. Rest assured: the sooner the problem is tackled, the better the results. To find out more about our solutions, please contact us at 0142612801. The Clauderer Team

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