
Sonia's testimonial

I'm 42 years old and it's been 20 years since I noticed that I was losing a lot of hair. I consulted a general practitioner who advised me to take vitamins and see a hair specialist at the same time. I'd canvassed quite a few pharmacies and websites, but the results weren't there. I contacted the Clauderer centre, which gave me a better understanding of what was going on. A consultant made a diagnosis and suggested a suitable treatment, which has evolved over time. What keeps me coming back to the Clauderer Centre is that the results are there, and because in terms of investment, you soon realise that it's worth it. If I've been coming to the Clauderer Centre for so many years, it's because I'm completely satisfied.

Blandine's testimonial

In 2005, following the removal of my plaits, I noticed a massive loss of hair all over my head. It was getting shorter and shorter, I couldn't get a feminine haircut and it was really, really bad. A dermatologist advised me to take ampoules and capsules, but to no avail. Before coming to Clauderer, I was sceptical because I'd tried several treatments and nothing worked. I was welcomed by a specialist who recommended a treatment to rebuild my hair. The first results appeared in 4 to 6 months in terms of hair growth, which thickened. Those around me noticed the improvements: fewer thinning areas, less breakage too. I am completely satisfied with the Clauderer treatment. I'm continuing because these products suit me well. I recommend Clauderer.

Florian's testimonial

I started losing my hair at the age of 18 and was anxious about the prospect of premature baldness at 20. Out of personal and family conviction, I was looking for a centre that specialised in plants. I certainly didn't want to use Minoxidil, which has all the known side effects. In 2010, I found the Centre Clauderer where I was diagnosed with a small case of androgenetic alopecia. The Centre Clauderer's 6R and 7R serums solved my hair loss problem. It worked really well, very quickly, in two or three months my roots thickened impressively. The protocol isn't too onerous, despite its seemingly tedious nature, but once you get the hang of it it becomes very easy. I was very well looked after by the Clauderer specialist, who really helped me through the treatment. If I hadn't been using Clauderer products for all these years, I wouldn't have any hair left on my forehead or on top...

No more hair loss, my hair is soft and shiny and the products are top notch.
Medhi B.

I've finally found the site that answers all my questions about baldness. And what's more, it's clear and easy to understand...
Clément B.

I've noticed that the hair loss has stopped (I had trouble getting hair in my fingers to send it to you). Regrowth is slow on top, but perfect on the sides and at the back.
Monique L.

Thank you again for your support... without Clauderer I don't think I'd have much hair left!...
Catherine W.

I'm amazed and delighted, super happy! Clauderer identified my pill as harmful to my hair. I've been talking to everyone about it and a doctor has confirmed that IUDs and the pill can contribute to hair loss...
Virginie B.

"I would like to thank you for the competence, seriousness and availability you demonstrate every time I call on you; thanks also to your staff. ..."
Claudette N.

"After 5 weeks, it's already much better, my hair hardly falls out any more, there's none in the comb, my hair is much better...".
Ingrid C. (French Guiana)

"The 6R has changed my life, I no longer have any holes, it's really great ..."
Laure A.

"With my regular treatment, my hair is healthy and I don't lose it at all. I've realised that I shouldn't do just anything with it... "
Bastien H . 24 years old

"My hair is growing faster and falling out a lot less than before. My hairdresser has noticed this and asks me what my 'secret' is. My hair is super hydrated and toned despite intensive sport (swimming pool 5 times a week). ... " 
Anne D.

"Serum 6R: the miracle that saved my hair's life. Hair loss stopped very quickly (the hoover can't believe it) and new growth was visible in less than a month. I've always had a complex about my hair, and now people are complimenting me on how my hair has regained its volume and... glamour... "
Manon G.

"I don't know if it's the effect of Serums 6R and 8R, but I can't believe it! I never expected to have hair like this again. Whenever I feel down, I touch my hair and instantly smile again! It's a great feeling...".
Christine M.

"As agreed, I'm giving you some news after 2 months of using Serum n° 6R: Hair loss = 0, thicker hair, denser regrowth. So impeccable! This serum is actually more concentrated than the previous one and seems to act more quickly and deeply on the hair.... "
Marion D.

"After a month of using 6R Serum, my hair loss has completely diminished, I have a lot more new growth and even stronger hair... "
Nathalie L.

"Frankly, I didn't really believe in it. I was afraid I'd be disappointed, as usual. But, with the treatment, I felt that it was working under the scalp... And the new growth is there, very beautiful!... "
Laure V. aged 31

"Often the results of advertising are the opposite! But let me say THANK YOU, Centre Clauderer. Everywhere I went, I had to vacuum, but now my hair loss has disappeared, thanks again!
Miracle R. 29 years old

"I've got all my hair back, it's stronger than before, I'm living the dream!
Nathalie R. 28 years old

"No more falls and I can feel them on my head at last! I've been struggling for 5 years..."
Noémie B. 32 years old

"I think there's some regrowth because my hair feels less thin, but I can't see it. I would like to thank you sincerely for the warm and competent welcome I have received from you each time I have telephoned you..."
Nelly R. 42 years old

"My hair loss stopped very quickly. Now, after 6 months, it's shiny and so much thicker! ... "
Marianne C. 54 years old

"My skull is no longer visible, I have a lot of new hair which is being added month by month, I want to have even more ... "
Simona T. 34 years old

"My hair has been transformed - I never thought it possible that its volume would continue to increase as my age increases! ... "
Mathilde D. 72 years old

"My hair stopped falling out as early as the 2nd month of my treatment and it was my hairdresser who first saw the regrowth. He said to me: 'Well, the treatment you're doing is effective, it works!
Audrey B. 22 years old

"Your products are marvellous, I couldn't do without them and they smell like plants!
Michèle C. 66 years old

"I'm so lucky to have met you, you've changed my life. My hair is already so much stronger and it doesn't fall out any more!
Gaëlle L. 39 years old

"It's all better! It worked for me after two months: my hair stopped falling out and there was a real overall improvement. I feel that everything is better. What's more, it smells like the products I grew up with.
Asmaa P. aged 26

"Thank you for your follow up, my hair is much better thanks to your products and advice."
Julia P. 27 years old

"I am delighted to see a marked improvement in the quality of my hair, it has stopped falling out."  Paméla B. 58 years old

"My hair has been stable and very toned for 6 months. I can feel it thickening again ... "
Stéphanie C. 48 years old

"I find they're different, thicker and, above all, I can see new growth in the thinned areas. In short, my hair loss has finally stopped...".
Nadège F. 39 years old

"They seem thicker to me, they hardly fall off any more and they're much more beautiful..."
Pénélope M. 24 years old

"I never thought I'd find this hair again. My hairdresser can't believe it either.
Catherine V. 68 years old

"It feels good to be listened to and to see that you can stop your hair falling out...".
Frédérique R. 42 years old

"I'm happy with the treatment, my hair is no longer in a straitjacket, it's really getting better and I've got new growth..."
Armelle H.

"My hair is really stronger, less fine and less fragile. With time, I admit that I'm no longer sceptical at all and I can even say that it's the regularity of the treatments and the correct use of the products that give me such beautiful hair. In short, it's all good... "
Camille D. 24 years old

"This treatment is the only way I've found to stabilise my hair loss, to rebalance everything, including regaining suppleness in the scalp. In the end, these treatments are 'mechanical', the massages release tension, and it's effective... "
Sofia F. 40 years old

"The hair loss stopped a fortnight ago and my boyfriend noticed that my hair was thicker...".
Sylvana M.

"I stopped breastfeeding 4 months ago and my hair hasn't fallen out. I was afraid it would be like my other pregnancies. It's almost as beautiful as when I was pregnant...".
Maria F. 37 years old

"I'm writing you a message this evening to say thank you. I was pleased to meet you in person and see how a check-up was carried out at your place. Thank you for what you do to look after all those people who lose their hair and don't know what to do about it..."
Fabienne H. 31 years old

"The fact that my hair has stopped falling out is like a resurrection for me...".
Any L. 46 years old

"It's the end of a nightmare, when the hair stops falling out. I'm getting my confidence back, I think it's going to stay on my head!
Delphine H. 27 years old

"Phew, I've got my hair back like it was before my daughters were born.
Jocelyne F. 40 years old

My Milk still works well and is essential for my dermatitis. I'm satisfied overall and I'm looking forward to your products as I've run out of Serum!!!"
Frédéric M.

"I've been following Centre Clauderer treatments to control my hair loss for over 20 years now. I started the treatment when I was 23 and I'm now 20 years older. Now, for the last 4 to 5 years, I've been having my treatment once a week and the quality of my scalp is satisfactory: virtually no dandruff, shampoo every 2 to 3 days, normal hair loss. I would like to thank all the people at the Centre Clauderer with whom I have been in contact over the last 20 years for these results and congratulate them...."
Christophe S.

"The 6R was making a lot of regrowth but hadn't totally stopped the fall due to my stress. But, after 2 months of 7R, alternated with 6R, my fall stopped."
Fabien G.

"I think you're saving my hair! I was so afraid I'd end up like my father and my uncle! ..."
Clément F.

"They've stopped falling out since the first month. My father's baldness is going away, cool!"
Damien B.

"...I'm losing so little compared to what I was losing before! I've never had such long, beautiful hair! I can't believe it! Unless you're advising me to cut down or change products, I have no intention of changing anything, let alone stopping..."
Christine M.

"Everything seems to have stabilised for nearly a year now. I see new shoots near the front. That makes me feel better. Thank you..."
Ken B. 25 years old

"They've stopped falling out since the first month. My father's baldness is going away, cool!"
Damien B. 23 years old

"I have a close-up photo of my hair from 5 years ago... Now it's denser and the hair loss has stabilised..."
Thierry M. 44 years old

"I think you're saving my hair! I was so afraid I'd end up like my father and my uncle! ..."
Clément F. 22 years old

"My hair is finally staying on my head, it's not receding any more, it feels really healthy..."
Thomas V. 54 years old

"I've just been to the dermatologist. I'm blown away by everything you've understood about my hair. I'm going to try your method..."
Christophe B. 21 years old

"Frankly, everything is better, I can't tell you anything better!!..."
Ricardo D. 27 years old

"My hair has been problem-free since I met you, and it's so relaxing not to feel the volume diminish..."
Bernard R. 48 years old

"At home, they call you 'Hair Doctor'. It doesn't fall out any more, I've got little regrowths and the quality is nothing like it used to be ... "
Léopold D. 33 years old

"My hair feels good, I can feel it clinging to my scalp. Phew, it takes away the stress!..."
Stephen B. 26 years old

"My hair is thicker, it doesn't fall out any more, and I can see little new ones near my forehead...".
Claude B . 29 years old

"I've got my teenage hair back. My hair loss has stopped, it's thick and shiny again... "
Antoine H . 22 years old

"I wish I'd met you a few years ago, but better late than never! I'm very enthusiastic about your method..."
Michel B . 37 years old

"Within the first month of treatment, I had no more hair on my keyboard and I realised that this treatment was working for me...".
Rachid S. 26 years old

"They're growing back on top, and on the forehead, it's great. It makes my girlfriend happy and me too, I was afraid of becoming like my grandfather!"
Nicolas L. 18 years old

"Thank you for your professionalism! My hair is growing well these days. Your institute has my full appreciation and confidence..."
Chritine M.

"If I keep them like this, it's ideal...".
Pascal D. 36 years old

"I'm starting to feel them better, I think they're growing back now normally..."
Jean-François B. 42 years old

"Coming to you made me realise that there was something wrong with me. ... I've learnt a lot, everything is much more balanced in me (diet, tension, etc.) And my hair is feeling the effects! The treatment isn't magic, but the results are there and it encompasses a lot of things... "
Guillaume R. 20 years old

"It's staying in place and I haven't had any hair loss this year. Your treatments are so quick to do now, I can't let them go..."
Cédric M. 27 years old

"I've been following you for over 2 years. My hair is holding up well. I'm very satisfied, especially when I see my brother going bald, despite my encouragement to come and see you... Thank you!"
Bruno G. 24 years old

"They stopped falling off after 5 weeks. They look better and are thicker. I like them. I gave your address to a friend who has the same problem as me."
Marc L. 28 years old

"I really don't think they're falling off any more. They're back on top. Do you think they'll stay like this...?"
Lionel S. 21 years old

"My hair doesn't fall out when I wash it and I can't find any on the pillow.
Mohed M. 32 years old

"I'm reassured, the hair loss has stopped and it's more toned.
Benoît G. 21 years old

"I'm delighted with the results you've sent me after 4 months of treatment. I myself have noticed that my hair is back on track. Thank you to Madame Clauderer, who took up my hair's cause as if it were her own children.
Sébastien B.

"I am a representative in Canada for René Furterer products and I discovered your site thanks to one of my clients who has all the books. Clauderer. I wanted to tell you that I love your site and that I'm learning a lot of things... "
Nancy L.

"First of all I really want to thank Clauderer, thank you for this wonderful site. I have finally found the site that met all my expectations about my hair loss."
Meriem C.

"Hello, I spent a long time on your site. There's a lot of relevant information, and it's difficult to retain it all, but fortunately the written material remains, so it can be consulted again if necessary. I've saved your site in my favourites so that I can access it quickly... "
Sylvie L.

"I'm a gynaecologist and found you while surfing on Doctissimo. Congratulations on the seriousness of your articles and your concern to provide medical information in a language that everyone can understand... "
Dr Anne F.

"...These few lines are intended to congratulate you on the quality of your website, which has answered many of my questions... "
François B.

"...This site is very comprehensive. I'm very surprised to find so much information on hair, especially about my diabetes and the hair loss it causes. Congratulations, as the English say... "
Moussa E.

"Your site is great, very comprehensive, I'm passing it on to all my friends. It's great that it exists, thank you ... "
Rena F.

"Very good site and for people like me who need answers to all their questions about their hair loss. Great!"
Patricia D.

"...And congratulations on your website, which sorts out the questions we ask ourselves when we see our hair behaving in this way through no fault of our own..."
Hélène S.

"...You should tell your webmaster to position you better in the search engines, so that people find you first. Your site is the encyclopaedia of hair... Navigation is fluid, it's not as laborious as on other sites and the subjects are very well documented, so you can quickly find the answers to questions about hair loss and other problems... "
Blaise S.

"...At last, a very comprehensive site on hair loss, honest and without complacency, but which still gives a lot of hope to people in despair over their receding hairline!..... "
Christophe D.

"...I discovered your site via ADOSURF.com. Bravo ! It's the clearest and most complete site on the web for hair. I've learned a lot about my problem and I'm confident that you're going to help me.... "
Clément M.

"...I've been visiting your site regularly for some time now because I find it to be one of the best in terms of information about the life and care of hair... "
Orlando C.

"...I'm sending you this e-mail because I discovered your site on the net. I find it extremely complete and interesting!..."
Thyphaine C.

"...First of all, congratulations on your report on Afro hair. I've discovered a whole new approach to taking care of my hair and avoiding hair loss as much as possible..."
Pascale S.

"...Thank you for this site, which is really a reference for hair loss. I have found a mine of information and a little hope concerning my hair loss..."
Alexandre H.

"...I discovered your site about 3 years ago and I find it remarkable, a treasure trove of real information on this increasingly worrying subject in our modern society. Thank you for your passion and above all for your research work and your site..."

"...I'd like to congratulate you and pay tribute to you for your seriousness and for the quality of the hair care, information and advice you provide to your customers and to all those who visit your website (particularly for your comprehensive and well-crafted dossiers). In short, I believe that you represent the benchmark in France in the fields of information, prevention and general hair health...".
David M.

"...I was really impressed with your website, which answers so many of the questions people have about hair. I've consulted a lot of it, and believe me, your professionalism and passion for your profession are reflected in it. When I'm in Paris, I'll be sure to pay you a visit...".
Rania T.

"...I've just discovered your website and I think it's simply fantastic. The explanations you give on the various hair problems are clear, precise and adapted to everyone's vocabulary. I learn a lot from reading your pages and it's all the more enjoyable because your site is so well designed. I just wanted to let you know. And you can count on me to tell any of my colleagues who have questions about hair problems...".
Henry R.

"...The amazing thing is that I learnt 1000 times more on your site than at the dermatologist's office. How strange! What's more, the dermatologist told me about all the existing products and didn't pay any attention to the very nature of my dry, broken hair, etc..."
Alexandre R.

"...Good evening, I've enjoyed your website too much, full of practical, uncomplicated advice; and I really appreciate your efforts and those of your team when it comes to hair care. Thank you so much! ... I'm a young woman of 28, a general practitioner (by the way, I consider your site to be self-training)..."
Doctor Nisrine E.